
  1. 1 Package Shawnee Mills Yellow Corn Muffin Mix
  2. 8 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
  3. 1 Cup Sugar
  4. 2.6 OZ Greek Yogurt
  5. 2 Eggs
  6. 3 Tablespoons Lime Juice
  7. 2 Teaspoons Lime Zest
  8. 3/4 Cup Sweetened Coconut Flakes

These versatile muffins are perfect as an appetizer, breakfast treat, or even dessert. WIth a dab of sweetness, mixed with a squeeze of lime in each bite, these are sure to make your tastebuds say “thank you, I’ll have another.”


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spray muffin pan, then place baking cups in each muffin tin.
  3. In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar together until combined. 
  4. Whisk in yogurt, lime juice, and lime zest. 
  5. Pour in Shawnee Mills Yellow Corn Muffin Mix and combine. 
  6. Evenly distribute mix ⅔ of the way in each baking cup and top with sweetened coconut flakes. 
  7. Bake for 20 minutes.
  8. Top with lime zest (optional).